My Ideas - To Enhance our Community

"You can always amend a big plan, but you can never expand a little one. I don’t believe in little plans. I believe in plans big enough to meet a situation which we can’t possibly foresee now.” ― Harry S. Truman, former U.S. President

I would like to analyze the plans that are already in place in the city. Then look at new and interesting concepts to make changes to make our city more efficiently. Some of my ideas are below.

My Ideas

  • Downtown Revitalization
    • Create a pedestrian-friendly dining and shopping environment.
    • Think outside of the box to create a down environment. Not like other communities around us. We dont want the large condos that other towns have developed in our downtown.
    • We want small individual townhomes or single family residences with quant living arrangements.
  • Increase Downtown Community Events
    • Do monthly food truck evenings to help draw people to our downtown district.
    • Have monthly craft/farmers markets to attract people downtown.
    • Popup music events with the food truck/farmers markets. Have bands that compete in the Battle of the Bands play as a requirement to participate.
  • Start Discussion about Loganville Bypass
    • Start discussion with Georgia Department of Transportation about a bypass for Loganville
    • This is a multiple conversation and step process to get some of the Commercial Vehicles to bypass our downtown area.
  • Analyze Fire Quick Response Medical Program
    • Increasing number of Fire Department responses are medical call in nature. Growing to over 60% of all responses
    • Our city is currently utilizing very expensive Fire Equipment such as Engine and Ladder Truck to respond to these calls.
    • Consider responding to these calls utilizing a pickup style vehicle as a medical quick response vehicle. This will extend the life of the very expensive fire engines and ladder trucks to reduce the wear and tear on these vehicles.
  • Analyze Community Based Police Model
    • Look at a community based police model for our police department.
    • This program would provide each area of the city with a familiar face in our police department.
    • In the event that neighborhood has a specific issue they can reach out to community officer to help them resolve their problem directly.